Some years ago, in moments of doubt, adversity and struggle against thoughts of guilt, the words of Isaiah 53 had a new echo in my life and I gazed with wonder on what Jesus did for me on the cross ... Then I raised this prayer to the Lord:
• Lord Jesus, thank you for carrying my sufferings (diseases, calamities, anxieties).
• Lord Jesus, thank you for taking away my pain (anxiety, afflictions).
• Lord Jesus, thank you for being wounded for my sins.
• Lord Jesus, thank you for being crushed for my iniquities.
• Lord Jesus, thank you for taking the punishment (reproof, correction, discipline) I deserve because of my sins
• Lord Jesus, thank you for your stripes by which I am healed.
• Eternal Father, thank you for laying on Jesus my iniquities
• You who had done nothing wrong, you did not open your mouth in front of your enemies to justify yourself. You are my model Jesus; it's you that I imitate now.
• Lord Jesus, thank you for agreeing to be hit for my sins.
• Jesus thank you for having given your life for my sin.
• Thank you, Jesus, because my life prospers in your hands ; I know you day after day and I am made righteous by you, and you continue to carry my iniquities. Thank you for our intercession.
• Now, Jesus, I surrender to experience fully what you did for me at the cross. I receive my portion of abundant wealth that you acquired by your victory over the devil and his armies. After thy glorious victory over all dominions and authorities, principalities and powers, you've acquired all the wealth they held under them so that I am a co-heir with you.
Whatever your struggles, remember that Jesus said on the cross that "All is accomplished":
• Your sanctification is already done ...
• Your needs are fulfilled ...
• Your healing is accomplished ...
• The payment of your debts is accomplished ...
• The healing of your home is accomplished ...
• Thy deliverance from the grip of the demons is accomplished...
Let’s take the time to list our challenges loudly proclaiming "I know that Jesus has already accomplished His plan for this situation"
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